
One of Pittsburgh largest office complexes, Franco installed the brick and cast stone on this building on Pittsburgh’s North Shore. The building also houses several restaurants on the first level, demonstrating the versatility of the masonry façade for business as well as pleasure.

Delmonte Building Complex

Noteworthy Projects

Verizon Phase II

Project Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Franco is pleased to be a part of the Verizon II restoration project, completed in the Fall of 2014.  This building is …

Consol Energy Center

Consol Energy Center

Project Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania The home of the Pittsburgh Penguins has a brick façade with cast stone sills and other elements that were all installed by …

Marriot Spring Hill Suites North Shore

Marriott Spring Hill Suites

Quisque tempor molestie iaculis. Nulla sed ligula eget ante sodales vestibulum. Sed tempor, sapien a pharetra consequat, sem tellus blandit odio, tristique pulvinar felis est et metus.

Fred Rogers Memorial

Fred Rogers Memorial

Project Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Rivers Casino Exterior

Rivers Casino

Project Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Blending beauty with structural durability, Franco was essential in the construction of the Rivers Casino in downtown Pittsburgh. Previous Next

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